mandag 31. mai 2010

Å vedlikeholde en mur.. / To maintain an artificial crag...

En av bakdelene ved å mure en trappe/ kombinert kunstig bergknaus med bed og ikke kle den innvendig med plast er at den selvfølgelig blir litt misfarget etter noen år. Nå har det gått over 6 år siden jeg bygget dette bedet, så det var på høy tid å "fikse på fasaden". Til det kjøpte jeg gul sement og blandet med gul sand. Som før nevnt er berggrunnen i hele området av nettopp denne typen steinfarge, så ikke bare ser det lyst ut, men glir også mye bedre inn med omgivelsene. Jeg lager en "grøt" av vann, sement og sand som jeg påfører muren med pensel. Enkelt og greit! Det er faktisk like lett å gjøre dette som å male en vanlig husvegg! - og resultatet er holdbart! Som før nevnt har det stått uten vedlikehold i 6 år. Jeg kunne valgt å bare vaske fasaden med klorvann, men syntes det var like fint å bruke sement.

One of the disadvantages by making an artificial crag combined as a stairway and flower bed without using protective plastic on the inside is of course discolouring of the cement after a few years. It is now more than 6 years ago I made the craig, so it was about high time to "fix the facade".
I purchased a sack of yellow cement and mixed it with yellow sand and water. The reason for this is that the rock in my area is of yellow colour, so it does not only look brighter, but also makes the cement blend in with the surroundings.
After mixing the cement, sand and water to a almost soup/pourage like consistensy, all that remains is to "paint it on the wall with a brush. Actually  this is just as easy as painting with ordinary paint! As mentioned earlier this wall has managed without any kind of maintenance for more than 6 years, so it is quite durable! I could have chosen to clean the surface with chlorine and water, but a new layer of cement lasts longer!

Resultatet passer fint inn med den øvrige fjellgrunnen og er nå vedlikeholdsfri i mange år!
Neste prosjekt er å plante grønne busker foran naboens mur, som ikke akkurat er vakker....
Jeg tenkte da å bruke min yndlingsbusk/tre. Desverre vet jeg ikke hva denne planten heter.
Er det noen der ute som vet navnet?

As previously mentioned, the finished result blends nicely in with the terrain and rock colors. Next project is to plant my favourite bush/trees in front of the neighbours stone wall that is not a very nice sight at the moment....
Unfortunately I do not know the name of the plant. Is there anybody out there who knows the name? Here are two pictures of it:

Nærbilde: Treet er eviggrønt, blir opp til 3-4 meter høyt og tett i bladverket. Det får hvite (og noen ganger oransje) blomster om våren og svarte bær om høst/ vinter. Stammen er mørk brun, nesten svart på farge.
Closeup: The tree is green all year round, gets 3-4 meters tall and has a dense, green foilage. It blooms with white flowers (and some orange ones) in early spring and comes with black berries during autumn/ winter time. The trunk is dark brown- almost black.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Hello,
    I love the colors you use for the facade.

  2. Your unknown tree, has little berries, grows like mad, and seeds itself everywhere? Invasive alien from New Zealand and Australia - Myoporum, common name Manatoka. Makes a good hedge, but, you need to do a lot of pruning.

  3. Hello "Elephant´s Eye. You are quite right! The tree is a "Myoporum Laetum" I have quite a few of them on the property, but have never experiensed that they seed themselves easily? It might be that I have planted them in the shade under pine trees. One of the reasons they are my favorite tree is that they grow where nothing else seem to thrive. We have many huge pine trees on our Spanish property, and according to the local law you will get heavy fines cutting these down, so I have planted these schrubs in the shade under these. They instantly make the garden lush and fresh all year round! - Glad they have not acted invasively in my garden though!

  4. Det var dog en smuk gul farve du har brugt på trappen! ja, hele sceneriet er fantastisk stemningsfuldt! Troede et øjeblik det var i Italien :-)

    Tak for besøg på min blog om Vilhelmsdal. Nu lurer jeg på om du skriver lige meget på begge dine blogs, eller du har en 'hovedblog'?

    Men jeg vil linke dem begge på min blogroll.

  5. I don't know why, but other name for Manatoka is Mousehole tree.

  6. Hmm. I haven`t seen any mice around these trees ;-) Maybe the black berries that are produced in large numbers eventually will attrack rodents?
